What do you know about Khmer New Year?


Cambodian New Year or Khmer New Year also known as Choul Chnam Thmey (Enter the New Year). A three-day public holiday in the country, the observance begins on New Year’s Day, usually falls on必利勁
13 April or 14 April, which is the end of the harvesting season, when farmers enjoy the fruits of their labor before the rainy season begins.

The Khmer New Year coincides with the traditional new year in several parts of India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Laos, and Thailand.

There are various activities that Khmer people celebrate Khmer New Year in those 3 days:

Moha Sangkranta (Môha Sângkrantâ) or Sangkranta, derived from Sanskrit saṅkrānti, is the name of the first day of the new year celebration. It is the end of the year and the beginning of a new one.

People dress up, light candles, and burn incense sticks at shrines. For having good luck, people wash their face with holy water in the morning, their chests at noon, and their feet in the evening before they go to bed.

Veareak Vanabat (Véareă Voănôbât) is the name of the second day of the new year celebration. People contribute charity to the less fortunate by helping the poor, servants, homeless, and low-income families. Families attend a dedication ceremony to their ancestors at monasteries.

Veareak Laeung Sak (Véareăk Laeung Săk) in Khmer is the name of the third day of the new year celebration. Buddhists wash the Buddha statues and their elders with perfumed water. Bathing the Buddha images is a symbolic practice to wash bad actions away like water clean dirt from household items.

It is also thought to be a kind deed that will bring longevity, good luck, happiness and prosperity in life. By washing their grandparents and parents, the children can obtain from them best wishes and good pieces of advice to live the life for the rest of the year.

Cambodia is home to a variety of traditional games such as Chol Chhoung, Chap Kon Kleng, Bos Angkunh, Leak Kanseng, Bay Khum, and so on. Khmer people like to play together on the wide yard at monasteries or in the village.  they are always thrilled with the traditional games.

Also, along the street, Khmer people like to use white fragrant powder to put on your face, and to throw water on you in order to make you feel cold under the hot weather. So you must be careful, your phone and your clothes will get wet, and it might be damaged!  it is never easy to get away from the crowd as long as you walk through the street.

Before time arrives, there are so many organizations celebrate Khmer New Year with their staffs and students before they go to their hometown. NUBB will celebrate it on the 6th and 7th April 2023. And UME will do it from the 7th to 9th April 2023.

Misota will display our products at the both universities.  You will be offered to try our products for free! Please come to visit and enjoy Khmer New Year with us at NUBB and UME!

Wait! If you are in Siem Reap, don’t miss the opportunity to test the marvelous taste of Misota products at Khmer Products Exhibition, along the park in front of Angkor Wat on the 14th to 16th April 2023! Our staff will be there waiting to serve you!

You can choose a basket or gift from Misota as a token of gratitude to parents, monks, relatives, and teachers. Misota is looking forward to welcoming you with love and warmth.

Khmer New Year​​ ​is also an opportunity for the whole family to meet relatives, friends, to eat and to hang out together happily.